A Measure of Rationality and Welfare (Video)
Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester propose a new method for analyzing individual decision-making that measures human inconsistency and welfare costs.
Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester propose a new method for analyzing individual decision-making that measures human inconsistency and welfare costs.
Christopher Hansman, Jonas Hjort, and Gianmarco Leon explore the unintended health consequences of piecemeal regulations that ignore firm’s responses to new incentives by looking at the case of the 2009 Peruvian industrial fishing sector reform.
Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia explore how export opportunities affect the choices of firms, their characteristics, and the wages of their workers.
The idea of financing a fiscal stimulus with money creation has long been a taboo and disregarded as a policy option. But is this justified? Jordi Galí investigates the effects of a government engaging in just such a stimulus as compared with a debt-financed stimulus.