How Colombian firms responded to new apprenticeship regulations

Santiago Caicedo, Miguel Espinosa, and Arthur Seibold investigate firm responses to apprenticeship programs and how firms can be effectively incentivized to train apprentices.
Santiago Caicedo, Miguel Espinosa, and Arthur Seibold investigate firm responses to apprenticeship programs and how firms can be effectively incentivized to train apprentices.
Jordi Brandts, Isabel Busom, Cristina Lopez-Mayan and Judith Panadés design a field and a laboratory experiment in which they study how to dispel the widespread belief that rent control facilitates access of more people to affordable housing.
Ramon Caminal, Lorenzo Cappellari and Antonio Di Paolo investigate the pattern of intergenerational transmission of language within the family in an asymmetric bilingual society.
Marcus Giamattei and Humberto Llavador discuss the role of experiments in teaching economic concepts and their experience conducting them through the classEx platform