Video: Globalization, Economic Policy and Political Structure (ERC Advanced Grant)
Jaume Ventura talks about the objectives, challenges, and potential impact of his ERC Advanced Grant Project.
Jaume Ventura talks about the objectives, challenges, and potential impact of his ERC Advanced Grant Project.
Manuel García-Santana, Enrique Moral-Betino, Josep Pijoan-Mas and Roberto Ramos show that negative TFP growth was caused by the increase in within-industry misallocation of production factors.
The idea of financing a fiscal stimulus with money creation has long been a taboo and disregarded as a policy option. But is this justified? Jordi Galí investigates the effects of a government engaging in just such a stimulus as compared with a debt-financed stimulus.
Barcelona GSE research on by Alberto Martín and Jaume Ventura
There is a widespread view among macroeconomists that fluctuations in collateral are an important driver of credit booms and busts. This column distinguishes between ‘fundamental’ collateral – backed by expectations of future profits – and ‘bubbly’ collateral – backed by expectations of future credit. Markets are generically unable to provide the optimal amount of bubbly collateral, which creates a natural role for stabilisation policies. A lender of last resort with the ability to tax and subsidise credit can design a ‘leaning against the wind’ policy that replicates the ‘optimal’ bubble allocation.